https://www.deltonavotes.org > HeDrewTheDistrictForHimself.htm
Dec. 18, 2008 | Ilene Proctor - Feeney is a three-term incumbent defending a district he helped draw when he was state House speaker. Any incumbent is difficult to beat but especially one who created his own district while in the legislature, which is what Mario Diaz-Balart also did.
https://www.militaryreligiousfreedom.org > press-releases > bobby_muller.html
Aug. 30, 2007 | Ilene Proctor - Every human being with integrity to spare should enshrine a Buddha statue of Bobby Muller. Without Muller's fierce campaign to ban landmines, the issue might still be a non-issue. ...
https://opednews.com > articles > life_a_ilene_pr_070330_how_the_neocons_use_.htm
Mar. 30, 2007 | Ilene Proctor
One Man's War Against an Evangelical Coup in America's Military - WITH GOD ON OUR SIDE - By Michael L. Weinstein and Davin Seay
A BOOK YOU NEED TO READ - Under the "boy emperor", George W. Bush we have entered the Dark Ages in earnest, pursuing a short-sighted path that can only accelerate our decline. What we are now seeing are the obvious characteristics of the West after the fall of Rome: the triumph of religion over reason; the atrophy of education and critical thinking; the integration of religion, the state, and the apparatus of torture ...
https://www.opednews.com > articles > genera_ilene_pr_060427_election_protection_.htm
April 27, 2006 | by Ilene Proctor and Joan Brunwasser - Armed with a giant arrest warrant and cache of handcuffs, Election Protection Activists will be rattling against CA Secretary of State Bruce McPherson for trying to destroy democracy by Grand Voting Theft and Certification Negligence of Electronic Voting Machines.
https://freepress.org > article > electoral-reform-groups-call-james-bakers-resignation-electoral-reform-commission
April 17, 2005 | Ilene Proctor - Scores of voting rights and electoral reform organizations nationwide have united to demand real elector reform proposals from the private, blue ribbon Baker...
https://freepress.org > article > electoral-reform-groups-call-james-bakers-resignation-electoral-reform-commission
April 17, 2005 | Ilene Proctor - Scores of voting rights and electoral reform organizations nationwide have united to demand real elector reform proposals from the private, blue ribbon Baker...
https://freepress.org > article > electoral-reform-groups-call-james-bakers-resignation-electoral-reform-commission
April 17, 2005 | Ilene Proctor - Scores of voting rights and electoral reform organizations nationwide have united to demand real elector reform proposals from the private, blue ribbon Baker...
https://www.scoop.co.nz > stories > WO0503 > S00453 > call-for-james-bakers-removal-from-commission.htm
March 30, 2005 | Ilene Proctor - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Election Reform Coalition Condemns Inclusion of James A. Baker III As Co-Chair Of Bi-Partisan Election Reform Blue-Ribbon Commission
www.democraticunderground.com › Discuss › Topic Forums › Election Reform
March 22, 2005 | Ilene Proctor - ... Revolution's "Divestiture for Democracy" campaign, please write to DV4D@VelvetRevolution.us or Media may contact publicist Ilene Proctor.
https://democrats.com > book > export > html/2349
Jan 5, 2005 | Ilene Proctor -Ilene Proctor (310) 271 5857 or (310) 721-2336. Kat L'Estrange (541) 510-5646. BEYOND ANY REASONABLE DOUBT, BUSH DID NOT WIN ...
https://911scholars.ning.com > forum > topics > uk-newcastle-engineer-john
October 17, 2004 | Proctor & Associates - Twin Towers' steel under scrutiny. NewCastle Engineer, John Knapton says: The Steel Columns of the Towers were melted by fire, but later appears to have had second thoughts about it.
https://911scholars.ning.com > forum > topics > uk-newcastle-engineer-john
October 17, 2004 | Proctor & Associates - $100,000 REWARD is the first person to deliver a full mathematical, engineering proof of how the impact and/or fires caused any of the WTC buildings to collapse the way the government claims! ... Deadline: June 30, 2005
https://911scholars.ning.com > forum > topics > uk-newcastle-engineer-john
October 17, 2004 | Proctor & Associates - $100,000 REWARD is the first person to deliver a full mathematical, engineering proof of how the impact and/or fires caused any of the WTC buildings to collapse the way the government claims! ... Deadline: June 30, 2005